“Politics is a calling, not a profession.”

  • Enact reforms to end career-incumbency.

“We must investigate, publicly expose and root out corruption.”

  • Appoint a Special prosecutor or legislative select committee with subpoena powers to investigate the 38 Studios debacle — wherever the trail leads. At best it is abject foolishness, at worst it is fraud and criminality at the highest levels of government. Either way, we need to know, so this never happens again.534068_10151476523420221_392331473_n
  • Fully bring the General Assembly under the Ethics Commission - no exceptions.
  • Establish a public corruption unit in the office of Attorney General.
  • Empower our House Oversight Committee to conduct public hearings, with subpoena power, on all matters concerning government.
  • Require that all meetings of state and local bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act be video recorded and published on the internet.

“Our environment is an economic and social treasure, and must be protected.”

  • We must stop the environmental and human disaster that is Copar quarry.
  • Preservation of open space at the local level should be made a statewide priority.
  • Regulate the harmful emissions from extracting and mining.

“Government should focus on building a strong business climate rather than trying to manage the economy.”

  • Our small state must be a better place to do business than our larger neighbors.
  • Unleash existing businesses to fairly compete by reducing the sales tax and repealing unreasonable taxes and regulations.
  • Attract new industries with bold ideas rather than searching for ‘silver bullets’ or playing around at the edges of state policy.
  • Establish R.I. as a high-tech start up hub by substantially reducing costs on this industry – and not by giving hand outs.
  • Put more money into the hands of citizens by exempting Social Security and the first $15,000 of other retirement ($20,000 for military pensions) from state taxation.
  • Earmark 15% of sales tax receipts for local property tax reduction.
  • Eliminate of the minimum business entity tax for companies with fewer than 250 employees, as well as the local tax paid on their inventory.

We must reverse the trend of state government absorbing our decision-making, and empower local communities and individuals.”

  • Halt the State from further undermining local zoning, comprehensive plans, and local control of fire districts.
  • Prevent any state bail-outs of local pension systems – such as the recent Central Falls bail-out. These are local issues that must solved by the communities involved.
  • Involve citizens in making key decisions about governance through the following proposed Constitutional Amendments:
    1) Broaden the ethics code.
    2) Establish a citizen commission to draw legislative districts.
    3) Provide a line-item veto for the governor.
    4) Enact voter initiative – enable voters to put measures on the ballot.
    5) Require run-off elections when no candidate obtains a majority vote.
    6) Provide citizens with standing to contest the legality of government expenditures.

“Protecting the privacy and health of citizens must be a government priority.”

  • Require warrants before police or government drones can be let loose on unsuspecting individuals or neighborhoods – with an exception for emergencies.
  • Establish civil causes of action for when privacy rights are violated by a drone.
  • Render inadmissible any evidence obtained by warrantless NSA dragnet surveillance.
  • Label genetically modified foods (GMO’s) in grocery stores.

The ability to protect one’s self, home and community is a fundamental right.”

  • Like the incumbent I do not favor any further 2nd Amendment restrictions.
  • Those caught with illegal firearms must serve jail time.
  • Those who commit violent crime with a firearm must be subject to the strongest judicial sanction, without early release.